anderson podcast v
Clint Coons
Buying Properties Without Your Own Money

The market has shifted, strategies that worked seven or eight years ago are not doing well now. So, it’s time for real estate investors to learn new, successful strategies to land deals. 

Today, Clint Coons of Anderson Business Advisors talks to Chris Prefontaine of Smart Real Estate Coach. Chris is an avid real estate investor and expert in buying and selling on terms. He shares a new way of investing in real estate. Actually, it’s not new. It’s been around awhile, but people are unaware of it. Make purchases without using your own money!


  • Smart Real Estate Coach: Chris teaches strategies that take investing to a new level
  • Market Shift: Past few months brought three times as many properties under contract
  • Seller’s to Buyer’s Market: Sellers suffering due to minimum credit scores on loans
  • Lease-Resistant Path: How to get deals without using your own money
  • Lease Purchase: Built-in agreements with a $10 deposit and purchase attached to it 
  • Good, Bad, Otherwise: Debt relief to pre-empt any potential problems or expired listings
  • Terms Deals: No healthier way to structure deal for the seller, investor, and buyer
  • Your Price, My Terms, My Price, Your Terms: Fair to offer during negotiation
  • Different Paydays on Deals: Now money, overtime money, and end-of-the-road money
  • Subject to Existing Financing: Sell property without paying off underlying mortgage
  • Due-on-sale Clause: Banks are in the business of loaning money, not owning property
  • Rent-to-own Property: Put person into property to create sense of ownership
  • Owner Financing: Structure deals with free and clear properties for estate/tax planning
  • Smart Real Estate Coach Academy: Constantly changing resource center/online course


Smart Real Estate Coach

Edelman Group

Clint Coons

Anderson Advisors

Anderson Advisors Tax and Asset Protection Event

Clint Coons on YouTube

Full Episode Transcript

Clint: Welcome, everyone. It’s Clint Coons here with the Anderson Business Advisors, and this is another weekly podcast by Anderson. In this podcast, I wanted to talk about something that I think is so relevant to real estate investors out there that are looking to put deals together because the market has shifted. If you’ve been to any of my events before, you know that I’ve talked about this is that when it comes to real estate investing, you want to get educated by people who are in the market doing the deals that are relevant at that time.

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