Grow your investments with our informational eBooks
3 Steps to an Invisible Investor Strategy
This eBook is for Long-Term Buy and Hold Rental Real Estate Investors. This eBook reveals the structure you should follow to ensure your hard earned money is protected from frivolous lawsuits and costly tax mistakes.
How To Leverage LLCs to Protect Your Real Estate Portfolio
Download this FREE eBook by Real Estate and Asset Protection expert Clint Coons, esq. that explains how a well-structured LLC is like building an asset protection fortress around your real estate empire.
Un-Tax Yourself: Real Estate Investors Guide to Harvesting Short-Term Rental Tax Deductions
As it turns out, the secret to real estate wealth is in the tax deductions. With this FREE ebook by Real Estate and Asset Protection expert Clint Coons, esq. you’ll learn exactly how seasoned real estate investors use simple tax write-offs to build massive wealth over time.
The Ultimate Guide to the IRS’s Real Estate Professional Status
The IRS tax code allows people who spend significant time in real property trade or business to get massive tax deductions. But you must qualify as a Real Estate Professional. This guide shows you exactly how.
10 Common and Costly Asset Protection Mistakes Many Real Estate Investors Make
Avoid these 10 real estate asset protection mistakes to properly shield everything you’re building now and increase your profitability. Don’t blow your liability protection or risk everything you own. Learn from other investors’ mistakes instead of making them yourself.
How to Set Up a Tax-Wise Business
Whether you make money in real estate investing, running your own business, freelancing, contracting, or offering professional services, streamlining your business set-up to take full advantage of all the tax laws out there is the first step to having a tax-wise business.