Do you freak out about your money when the stock market crashes or during other financial crises? Do you need someone to listen and offer sound stock market strategies? In this episode, Toby Mathis of Anderson Advisors talks to Erik Dodds, an independent fiduciary…
Do you and your family want to live a better life? Be intentional and deliberate. Most families and businesses don’t realize that the financial transformation they are seeking is not in alignment, but opposed to the transformation they desire. In this episode, Toby Mathis…
What are ETFs and why have they become so popular as a way to invest in your favorite companies? These days, ETFs represent a multi-trillion-dollar industry. In this episode, Toby Mathis of Anderson Advisors talks to William Rhind, founder of GraniteShares, an independent exchange-traded…
What type of expense do you prefer to deduct? There are deductions that you recapture, there are deductions that you don’t. There’s bonus depreciation, and there are flat out expenses. They’re all different. In this episode, Toby Mathis of Anderson Advisors talks to Warren…
Societal issues surrounding autism not only create challenges for children, but their entire family. Parents of children with autism experience anxiety and uncertainty, especially as their children grow up to become adults with autism. Chances are, they will survive their parents. Then, what will…
Toby is an attorney on a mission to help investors and business owners keep and grow more. A founding partner of Anderson Business Advisors, Toby helped Anderson grow its practice from one of business and estate planning to a thriving tax practice and registered agent service with tens of thousands of clients nationwide. In addition to advising clients and investing in his own real estate projects throughout the United States, Toby is a member of the Forbes Real Estate and Finance Council and has authored several books, including Tax-Wise Business Ownership (now in its fourth edition) and 12 Steps to Running a Successful Business. Toby teaches extensively throughout the US to groups of investors and professionals, with many of his courses certified for continuing education credit for legal, accounting, and real estate professionals. He teaches a popular bi-weekly webinar, Tax Tuesday, where business owners and investors can ask any tax question and get answers LIVE on-air.