anderson podcast v
Clint Coons
Maximizing Your Real Estate Profits Find Untapped Niches and Opportunities

In this episode, Clint Coons, Esq. and Aaron Adams, CEO of Alpine Capital, discuss how to shift focus in the real estate investment space to maintain double-digit growth. Aaron has maximized investments in a market plagued by a shortage of 6 million homes by purchasing RV parks, KOA campgrounds, and mobile home parks to convert them to long-term manufactured home communities. Check the resource links for upcoming live event dates from Alpine Capital in Indianapolis and Idaho.

Aaron Adams has been a full-time real estate investor since leaving his job teaching high school Spanish in the early 2000s. He has purchased thousands of properties in California, Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Florida, Idaho, Nevada, North Carolina, and Illinois, focusing on single-family and manufactured homes in blue-collar and middle-class neighborhoods.


  • Aaron’s journey from the classroom to real estate investment
  • Shifting direction to find opportunities
  • The industry is short 6 million homes
  • Navigating the manufactured home market
  • Each month, Alpine offers investors a class to learn their methods- in person or live streamed
  • The emotional risks of “over-rehabbing” rental properties
  • Affordable housing is at crisis level
  • Accessory-dwelling units- upping your real estate game
  • Importing storage units from China vs. stick-built
  • The impending impact of the commercial crisis
  • Active and passive solutions at Alpine Capital events
  • Long-term relationships are the goal at Alpine’s live events


Alpine Capital Solutions

Email Alpine Capital

Alpine’s Cash Flow Summit – Upcoming Dates

Aaron Adams LinkedIn

Anderson Advisors

Anderson Advisors Podcast

Clint Coons YouTube

Full Episode Transcript:

Clint: Hey. What’s up, guys? Do you want to learn how to make money on real estate in the niches? There’s riches to be found there. I have a special guest on who’s going to be teaching us how to take your existing real estate, or if you’re just getting started in real estate, and find opportunities that no one else is pointing at right now to put more money back in your pocket. All right, let’s get started.

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