Anderson Executive Board

As a Member of the Anderson Executive Board You Will Acquire;

Support, Resources, Knowledge, Experience, Growth, and Energy.

“Your Network Equals Your Net Worth”

Andrew Carnegie’s Master Mind group consisted of a staff of approximately fifty men, with whom he surrounded himself, for the DEFINITE PURPOSE of manufacturing and marketing steel. He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this ‘Master Mind’.

Napoleon Hill Author of Think And Grow Rich


The mission of the board: Preserve. Protect. Prosper. To assist each member of the board to:

Anderson Executive Board

  • preserve the wealth they’ve accumulated
  • protect their assets from judgments and creditors and
  • provide the resources, network and knowledge to continue to prosper


Each board is limited to 18 members. This is to ensure each member of the group has the time to communicate their goals and gain benefits from each meeting.
To qualify, you must have experience as a business owner and / or real estate investor. This will provide focus for each meeting and allow everyone to share and learn relevant information.



The leaders of each board will run the monthly sessions and attend the yearly Executive Retreat. They will be available for member’s questions through a private online group. The group will be accessible only to active members.

The board leaders will include the Anderson Executives and Professionals who have a minimum of 10 years experience as a business owner and or real estate investor. The board leaders will run the monthly meetings in a structured format that has proven to provide value for each member of the group.


As a member of the Executive Board you will have access to the monthly board meetings and the annual Executive Retreat. The Executive Retreat is exclusive to only executive board members and high-level tax clients of Anderson Business Advisors.

The monthly board meetings will be conducted by phone and / or online video conference. You do not need online access to or be on the video conference and get benefit from the meeting. You can join the meetings by phone or online video chat.

The monthly meetings will last 2-3 hours depending on the group’s questions and interaction. The format of each call is scripted and run by the board leaders. The format is as follows:

  1. Member Update (each member provides a 2-3 minute update and introduces any topics they’d like the group to address during the meeting.)
  2. Main Topic (one member of the group will present an issue or scenario that they are experiencing and ask for feedback from the group to help in the situation.)
  3. Feedback (members of the group provide feedback for the presenter on the main topic, based on their experience.)
  4. Open Topics (the leader reviews each of the individual topics each member of the group brought up during the member updates and asks for members to share experience. They also bring topics for the group to discuss as needed.)
  5. Closing Remarks


  • Monthly Executive Board Meetings – Access to 10 two to three hour phone/online meetings with the entire group.
  • Access to the Executive Retreat – Free access to the annual 4-Day Executive Retreat available only to Executive Board Members.
  • Access to Start Up University – Free access to all Start-Up University programs throughout the year.
  • Access to an Online Executive Board Group – Get access to the private online group where you can ask questions of each member and network between each meeting. The online platform used for the group will be chosen based on each member’s accessibility online. Examples include; Private Facebook Group and Other Online Private Forums.

Additional Features:

  • New perspectives – Sometimes having someone from outside your industry question your long held beliefs or suggest innovations from a new point of view can prove very helpful.
  • Support – As the group meets monthly, a very close common bond will develop and provide a place for you when you have a troubling business issue.
  • Resources – Learn about resources from other members to save you time in your business and investing.
  • Energy – The energy you’ll get after attending a meeting will be worth the price of the group alone. How could you not be energized when communicating with other high level individuals around the world with the goal to help each other.
  • Specific Knowledge – A group comprised of people from different backgrounds and industries can help you fill gaps in your own knowledge and provide very specific help.
  • Corporate Meeting – Use the monthly board meetings and annual retreat as your Corporation or LLC’s meeting.
  • Network – Build your network with other likeminded individuals around the country.
  • Relationships – Connect and build relationships with the Anderson partners and professional advisors.


The Executive Retreat is a four-day planning session and learning event. The event will take place in Las Vegas, NV each fall.

Each day will be broken into two sessions. The first session is the learning portion of the event. We will present advanced strategies and topics for experienced investors, business owners and traders to help protect your assets, save on taxes and build your wealth.

The second session each day will provide one-on-one time with our team of Attorneys, CPAs and other professionals to help you put together a yearly plan for your business and investments. Where else can you sit down to create a yearly plan for your business, investments and estate with Attorney’s, CPAs and Advisors.

At the end of the event you’ll have a plan for your estate, business and tax planning for the coming year.


Turn in a qualification form. Our leadership team reviews each form to see if you qualify. Once the decision has been made you’ll receive contact from our staff on the next steps for joining the group.

Never heard of a Mastermind before? Read Chapter 10 – Power of the Master Mind: the Driving Force in the book “Think And Grow Rich” (free online here)