Protect Your Real Estate Assets

Complete asset protection plans for real estate investors

Asset Protection Experience You Can Trust

Unlike other law firms, Anderson Business Advisors attorneys and business strategists have over 215 years of combined experience protecting clients’ wealth and reducing their taxes.

Our professionals are highly sought after to speak at conferences nationwide on a wide range of asset protection and tax planning topics.

Experience you can trust since 1997, we have worked with tens of thousands of people, helping them make better business decisions and properly prepare to meet their goals.

Comprehensive Assessment Tailored To You

Asset protection planning is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Despite what people hear from friends or inexperienced professionals, planning involves more than just creating an LLC or corporation.

Proper planning requires understanding the client’s goals and business, then designing a plan that is accurate but more importantly, relevant. You have heard the idiom, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

When it comes to protecting your business, real estate, wealth, or financial future, it requires working with strategists who are more than just entity planning architects; they must also understand what it takes to make your business successful.

Entities and taxes must always be considered when designing an asset protection and tax plan, but equally important is its impact on your business. Therefore, at Anderson Business Advisors we always look at your situation from the legal, tax, financial, and business planning perspective.

Qualify to receive a complimentary asset protection structuring consultation


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Individualized tax planning empowers you keep to as much of your money in your pocket as possible.


Asset protection strategies and solutions to shield your assets and limit personal liability.


Retirement, financial planning, and wealth management strategies to maximize what you already have.

$2 million lawsuit reduced to $100,000 settlement

We set up a Nevada LLC for a client with significant savings. She was sued 3 years later for an environmental claim stemming from property she owned over 30 years before. Plaintiff wanted over $2 million in damages for the cleanup. After we disclosed that her assets were protected by a Nevada LLC and a HELOC on her residence, the plaintiff accepted less than $100k in a settlement.

Avoided $5.5 million judgement

A bank wanted to pursue one of our clients for a deficiency judgement ($5.5 million) for commercial real estate he lost in foreclosure. Once the bank found out how we protected all of our client’s remaining assets with LLCs and a Nevada holding LLC, the bank’s attorney stated, “We decline to seek a deficiency judgment given the complicated structure you have weaved for yourself.”

The employees at Anderson all have unique different skills. It’s really hard for any one person to have all the answers. It’s so neat to have the community and the package together in one organization. If you don’t have the answer or another advisor doesn’t have the answer, they are going to go find it out for you and help you really get to where you need to be.
Carl F.

Your Custom Asset Protection Blueprint

Speak with an Anderson Professional Advisor to get your asset protection blueprint to determine the best plan for you and your unique situation.