Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent


What you will receive during your complimentary 30-Minute Registered Agent Consultation:

  • A thorough registered agent strategy to free up more of your time to focus on your business by allowing your RA to handle the paperwork headache
  • A detailed risk assessment to make sure your registered agent services work to your fullest benefit by providing a layer of privacy to your business activities
  • Entity structuring tips to enhance the value of your registered agent services by adding further layers of asset protection, helping you sleep at night without the fear of inevitable lawsuits
  • Your Next Action Step

*This offer is only available to U.S. Residents. A $750 value.

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As a business owner, you already know how time-consuming it is just running your business. Let alone the extra time dealing with compliance and paperwork. The bad news is that NOT having all the paperwork in order can shutter your business for good. But the good news is that you can outsource this paperwork headache to a registered agent, freeing up more time to focus on your business.

What Is a Registered Agent? 

A registered agent is the point-of-contact between your business entity and the government. Registered agents handle compliance on your behalf and must be located at a physical address (a PO box is not enough) in any state in which you are doing business. This is because registered agents must be available to receive government or legal notices on your behalf during normal business hours.

If your business runs across state lines, you will definitely need to hire a registered agent in states where you do business without having your own physical presence there. Without a registered agent in the states where you do business, you risk not receiving important documents, such as service of process (SOP) or tax and compliance related mail, which could create legal problems down the line. 

5 Things Registered Agents Do

In all states, a registered agent must be named in corporate or LLC formation documents. Your registered agent will manage important legal documents on behalf of your business and can represent your company in the event of a lawsuit. Here a few of the things a registered agent will do for your business:

Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent

1. Accept and File Tax Documents

Whether your business operates in one state or multiple, a good registered agent can file your taxes and employ a successful tax strategy for your business. Not only does this ensure compliance for your business, it also saves you considerable time and effort from doing it yourself.

Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent

2. Accept and File Compliance Documents

A registered agent can help you stay on top of important compliance documents, as well as accepting and filing them on your behalf. Business owners know that it can be a time-consuming challenge to manage federal, state, county, and city-issued documents, and if left unchecked, they can easily accumulate. The good news is, a registered agent can do all this for you.

Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent

3. Respond to Service of Process Notifications

A registered agent can accept and respond to service of process notifications (court summons). This ensures that you receive any legal notices safely and can reply or take any necessary action quickly, to avoid delays or missed deadlines.
Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent

4. Serve as a Physical Address for Businesses

Every business is required to list a physical address with their state. For businesses that don’t have a physical commercial address, a registered agent can fulfil this obligation without the need to publish your home address.
Register for a Strategy Session Registered Agent

5. Help Make Sure Businesses Are in Good Standing

One of the most basic tasks a registered agent will do is help make sure your business remains in good standing. The overall goal of their efforts to manage tax, legal, and compliance paperwork on your behalf is to make sure your business operates legally, which keeps your business in good standing and ultimately protects your business reputation.

Do You Need a Registered Agent? 

An LLC or corporation cannot be its own registered agent. You (or a person in your company) can serve as your registered agent, but there are many reasons why hiring an attorney to be your registered agent is best for your business.

Above all, it minimizes the risk of non-compliance. Registered agents are experts on state and federal regulations, which means your business will be in the best possible hands.

Compliance is one of the best things you can outsource. Even business owners who like to keep everything in-house will benefit from outsourcing compliance so they can focus on their business.

What If You Don’t Have an RA for Your Business?

If you attempt to cut corners, you may end up paying a lot more in the long run. Without a registered agent to help you stay in good standing, your business could lose important licenses, face mounting fines, and miss contractual or court-related deadlines.

Having a registered agent has other perks besides just making sure your business remains compliant. Some of these perks include keeping your personal residence and mailing address out of public record, sparing you from junk mail, and saving you the embarrassment of having a uniformed police officer serve you papers. Also, if you travel frequently for business or pleasure, not having a registered agent can put your business at serious risk.

The Importance of Limiting Personal Liability

Of course, one of the biggest appeals of appointing a registered agent is decreasing your personal liability, which protects your home and personal assets.

If you’re growing your business, you may have already set up a business entity like an LLC or corporation to protect your assets and limit your personal liability. No matter what line of business you’re in, there’s always something that can go wrong. Protecting yourself by limiting personal liability as much as possible is a MUST if you want to see your business succeed in the long-term.

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Anderson Advisors takes a unique approach to asset protection. Unlike traditional groups, we avoid hourly fees and instead work on a fee-based structure in which the costs of creating and implementing a plan are inclusive. In other words, we want our clients to take an active role in the implementation of their plan.

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Anderson Advisors is a Seattle and Las Vegas based business planning and consulting firm with a focus on providing high-quality services and resources to real estate investors, stock traders, solopreneurs and business owners.



Handle paperwork and compliance for your business

Asset Protection Planning

Structure your entities for maximum security and peace of mind.


Wills, Trusts and Retirement Planning

Estate Planning, Living Trusts and Qualified Retirement plans.

Tax Planning

Tax preparation and Bookkeeping services.

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Anderson Advisors is the nation’s premier registered agent services and entity formation firm. Our biggest competitors in the field of entity planning are primarily non-legal service providers. Because of this, they do not have the same ethical standards that we at Anderson Advisors have. We do not offer false hope or false promises, we offer common sense, black letter law and solutions to the most common obstacles.